Health and Safety Policies Relating to Prevention of COVID-19 Infections

Updated October 8, 2022

The health and safety of our customers, visitors, contractors and staff is of paramount importance to us.  To reduce the risks of COVID-19 transmission and comply with current governmental mandates (federal, state and county laws, regulations, rules and guidance) the following policies are in effect:

  1. Vaccinations. Vaccinations for COVID-19 are widely available, safe and effective.  Fully vaccinated persons have a low probability of getting severe COVID-19 infections, and a reduced potential for transmitting the disease to others.   For this policy, we define the term “fully vaccinated” to mean those persons who are at least two weeks past their second dose in a 2-dose series COVID vaccination series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.  Effective November 1, 2021 all employees were required to be fully vaccinated.  All prospective new personnel, including interns and employees, must present documentation confirming their vaccination status before they may be offered positions with the company.  To the extent allowed by current mandates, fully vaccinated persons on our facilities may be subject to reduced or eliminated requirements for wearing face coverings and physical distancing in accordance with CDC Guidance.
  2. Visitor Restrictions. Customers are encouraged to conduct business with us remotely by phone or online. Entries of visitors (customers, contractors and other non-occupants) on our business premises who are not fully vaccinated will be by appointment only, and may not be permitted. Persons eligible for vaccination who are not vaccinated, and persons identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as having increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should not visit our facilities.  Employees, interns, contractors and other visitors with fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell or other symptoms of COVID-19 infections should not attempt to visit our facilities and may be excluded until documentation of their negative COVID-19 testing results is provided to the company.
  3. Hand Sanitizer Use. All visitors shall sanitize their hands before entry into any indoor areas, except for the greenhouse. A hand sanitizing station will be available at each entrance. We provide hand sanitizer or equivalent hand sanitizing products for all owners, employees and visitors at these stations.  Staff members  should use hand sanitizers after handling items touched by customers, such as potted plants, tools, pots, cash and credit cards.
  4. Face Coverings are Required. All visitors shall wear acceptable face coverings (masks) within indoor areas and outdoors if it is not practical maintain a minimum of six feet  (two meters) of physical separation from all other persons.  Here the term “acceptable face coverings” means masks, at least equivalent to non-medical grade coverings over the nose and mouth, and masks such as fitted N-95 and KN95 respirators providing higher levels of protection.  Masks fitted with exhalation valves and bandanas are not acceptable.  Owners, employees and contractors of the company should wear acceptable face coverings at all times when visitors are present indoors, or in outdoor areas where a minimum of six feet (two meters) of physical separation from visitors cannot be maintained.  Visitors unable or unwilling to wear acceptable face coverings shall not be admitted to any premises under control of the company.
  5. Physical distancing requirements. All persons should maintain a minimum of six feet (two meters) of physical separation from all other persons to the extent reasonably feasible.
  6. Disinfection. Door knobs and other high touch surfaces shall be routinely disinfected, and disinfected after contact with visitors. Disinfection will be performed by the officers or employees of the company using EPA registered disinfectants.

The above policies are effective immediately and shall remain in effect until rescinded or modified by a designated officer of the company.


Edward H. Rau, MS

Licensed Environmental Health Specialist, Retired
