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Abd Rani, N. Z., Husain, K., & Kumolosasi, E. (2018). Moringa Genus: A review of phytochemistry and pharmacology. Front Pharmacol 9:108.

Abulaila K. 2018. Kew science. News. Plant story – helping to conserve Moringa peregrina, a very useful tree.  [accessed 26 August 2018]

Annadurai S, Noushad K, Luca R, Kurup SS, Cheruth AJ.  2018.  Traditional uses, pharmacological efficacy, and phytochemistry of Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori. —A review.  Front Pharm  9:465  DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00465

Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani. 2007. Moringa oleifera: a food plant with multiple medicinal uses.   Phytother Res. 21(1):17-25.  PMID: 17089328, DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2023

Babu, Alemayehu. 2016. Moringa oleifera as a potential feed for livestock and aquaculture industry.  [accessed 16 August 2018]

Balbir M.  2006.  Moringa for cattle fodder and plant growth.  [accessed 16 August 2018].

Benas M, Fujisawa K, Madsen RR, Mathur R, Yeakley T.  2010.  Cobalt Dichloride Free Humidity Indicator Cards.  Texas Instruments Application Repor tSLVA410.  [accessed 1 September 2018]

Bhargave A, Pandey I, Nama KS, Pandey M.  2015.  Moringa oleifera Lam. – Sanjana (horseradish tree) – A miracle food plant with multipurpose uses in Rajasthan-India-An overview. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 3(6):237-248.  DOI:

Bidima  IM. 2016.  Production and Processing of Moringa.  Yaoundé, Cameroon: Engineers Without Borders, Cameroon (ISF Cameroun) and The Netherlands: The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. [accessed 2September 2018]

Bukola B.  2016. A systematic review of studies investigating Moringa oleiferea leaf meal as a feed for livestock. J Fisheries Livest Prod 4:2 (Suppl)  DOI:

Delelegn A, Sahile S, Husen A. 2018. Water purification and antibacterial efficacy of Moringa oleifera Lam. Agr Food Sec 7:25.  DOI:

De Saint Saveur A, Broin M.  2010.  Growing and processing moringa leaves.  Ghana: Moringa Association of Ghana.  [accessed 14 August 2018]

Probably one of the most practical, best illustrated and comprehensive manuals available in English on growing and processing products from moringa.


ECHA (European Chemical Agency).  2018. Substance Information Infocard.  Cobalt dichloride. [accessed 1 September 2018]

Egwui PC, Mgbenka BO, Ezeonyejiaku CD. 2013.  Moringa Plant and it use as Feed in Aquaculture Development: A Review.  Animal Res Intl  10(1):  [accessed 19August 2018]

Fahey JW. 2005.  Moringa oleifera: A review of the medical evidence for its nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties. Part 1.  Trees for Life J 1:5.  [accessed 18 August 2018]

FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).  2017.  FSMA Final Rule on Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals. [accessed July 30, 2018]

FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).  2018a.  FSVP Importer List.  [accessed July 30, 2018]

FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).  2018b.  Guidance for Industry: Registration of Food Facilities: What You Need to Know About the FDA Regulation; Small Entity Compliance Guide.  Available:  [accessed July 30, 2018]

Foidl, N., Makkar, H.P.S. and Becker, K., 2001. The potential of Moringa oleifera for agricultural and industrial uses. In: The Miracle Tree: The Multiple Attributes of Moringa.  Fuglie, LG Ed.  The Netherlands: CTA, Wageningen

Fuglie LJ Sreeja KV.  Cultivation of Moringa.  Reprinted in “Growing Moringa for Personal or Community Use”. [accessed 2 September 2018].

The classic reference on this subject.


Gandji K, Chadare FJ, Idohou R, Salako V, Assogbadjo A, Glele K, Lucas R. 2018. Status and utilisation of Moringa oleifera Lam: A review. Afr Crop Sci J 26(1):137-156. DOI:

Gupta PD, Birdi TJ. 2017. Development of botanicals to combat antibiotic resistance. J Ayurveda Integrative Med 8(4), 266–275. PMID: 26057747, DOI:

IMGC (International Moringa Germplasm Collection).  2017.  [accessed 14 August 2014]

Their collection houses living material of 12 or the 13 Moringa species; a blog section of website provides a wealth of information, particularly on species other than Moringa oleifera; and the website has moringa information in Spanish. 

Iqbal A, Hussain M, Waheed, M, Ali M, Rizwan M, Irfan Fareed, M. (2013). Allelopathy of moringa. A review. Sci Agr 3(1): 9-12.  [accessed 19 August 2018].

Kansal SK, Kumari A.  2014.  Potential of M. oleifera for the treatment of water and wastewater.  Chem Rev  114 (9):4993-5010.   PMID: 24495201, DOI: 10.1021/cr400093w

KEW (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens).  2018.  Archived blogs.  The wonders of silica for seed drying. [accessed 1 September 2018]

Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, Bertoli S. 2015. Cultivation, genetic, Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Moringa oleifera leaves: An overview.  Int J Mol Sci 16(6) 12791–12835.  DOI:

Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, Bertoli S. 2016. Moringa oleifera Seeds and oil: Characteristics and uses for human health. Int J Mol Sci 17(12), 2141.   PMCID: PMC5187941, DOI: 10.3390/ijms17122141

Mishra SP*, Singh P , Singh S.  2012Processing of Moringa oleifera leaves for human consumption.  Bull Env Pharmacol Life Sci 2(1): 28- 31. [accessed 2 September 2018]

KEW (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens).  2018.  Archived blogs.  The wonders of silica for seed drying. [accessed 1 September 2018]

NARC (National Agricultural Center).  2018.  National Agricultural Center (Jordan). [accessed 28August 2018]

Marcu MG.  2005.  Miracle Tree.  American Fork, UT: Soundconcepts.

MSB (Millennium Seed Bank).  2018.  Millennium Seed Bank. [accessed 28August 2018].

Murphy M.  2017.  Sustainable Bioresources.  Landscape Hawaii Mag.  September/October 2017 edition.

Nouman W, Basra SMA, Siddiqui MT, Asmeen A, Gull T, Alcayde MAC.  2014.  Potential of

Moringa oleifera L. as livestock fodder crop: a review.  Turk J Agri For  38:1-14.  DOI: 10.3906/tar-1211-66.

Olson ME.  2014a.  Moringa home page.  [accessed August 14, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014b.  Moringa arborea Verdcourt. [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014c.  Moringa borziana  Mattei.  [accessed August 14, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014d.  Moringa concanensis  Nimmo.  [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014f.  Moringa hildebrandtii  Engler.  [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014g.  Moringa longituba Engler.  [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014h.  Moringa oleifera Lam. [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014i.  Moringa ovalifolia  ex Berger.  [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014j.  Moringa peregrina  Forssk. Ex Fiori.  [accessed August 15, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014k.  Moringa pygmaea  Verdecourt. [accessed August 14, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014l.  Moringa rivae Chiovenda. [accessed August 14, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014m.  Moringa ruspoliana Engler. [accessed August 14, 2018]

Olson ME.  2014n.  Moringa stenopetala (Bakerf.) Cufodontis. [accessed August 15, 2018

Olson ME, Razafimandimbison SG. 2000. Moringa hildebrandtii: A tree extinct in the wild but preserved by indigenous horticultural practices in Madagascar. Adansonia sér 3 22(2) 217-221.  [accessed August 13, 2018]

Olson ME, Sankaran RP, Fahey JW, Grusak MA, Odee D, Nouman W. 2016. Leaf protein and mineral concentrations across the “miracle tree” genus Moringa. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159782.

The most comprehensive reference available comparing the protein and mineral content of the various species of moringa.

Palada MC, Chang LC.  2003. AVRDC pub #03-545. International Cooperators’ Guide.  Suggested cultural practices for moringa. [accessed 2September 2018]

Price ML 2007.  “The Moringa Tree.”  ECHO Technical Note.  North Fort Myers, Florida: ECHO.  [accessed August 13, 2018].

A comprehensive and well-illustrated manual on moringa.  Presents information from research projects conducted by the BIOMASA program in Nicaragua.

Puycha K, Yuangsoi B, Charoenwattanasak S, Wongmaneeprateep S, Niamphithak P, Wiriyapattanasub P.  2017.  Effect of moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf supplementation on growth performance and feed utilization of Bocourti’s catfish (Pangasius bocourti).  Ag Nat Res.  51(4): 286-291., DOI:

Radovich, T.  2011 (revised). Farm and forestry production and marketing profile for Moringa (Moringa oleifera).  In: Elevitch, C.R. (ed). Specialty Crops for Pacific Island Agroforestry.  Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), Holualoa Hawai’i.  [accessed July 2, 2017].

Saini RK, • Saad KR,• Ravishankar GA, • Giridhar P,• Shetty NP.  2013.  Genetic diversity of commercially grown Moringa oleifera Lam. cultivars from India by RAPD, ISSR and cytochrome P450-based markers.  Plant Syst Evol 299:1205–1213  DOI 10.1007/s00606-013-0789-7.

Saini RK, Sivanesan I, Keum, YS.  2016.  Phytochemicals of Moringa oleifera: a review of their nutritional, therapeutic and industrial significance. 3 Biotech 6: 203.  DOI:

Sapp M. 2016.  Indian researchers make breakthrough in Moringa development.  Biofuels Digest November 7, 2016.   [accessed 16 August 2018].

Sánchez NR, Spörndly E, Leden I.  2006.  Effect of feeding different levels of foliage of Moringa oleifera to creole dairy cows on intake, digestibility, milk production and composition.  Livestock Sci  101(1) , 24-31.

Schill SR.  2008.  Multidimensional moringa.  Biodiesel Magazine.  [accessed 16 August 2018]

Thurber MD, Fahey JW.  2009. Adoption of Moringa oleifera to combat under-nutrition viewed through the lens of the “diffusion of innovations” theory. Ecol Food Nutr 48:3, 212-225. DOI: 10.1080/03670240902794598

TLI (Trees for Life International).  2018.  Moringa Tree. [accessed August 13, 2018).

An excellent source for educational materials, contacts etc.

TNAU (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University). Undated.  Advances in Production of Moringa.  Periyakulam,Tamil Nadu, India: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. [accessed 13August 2018]

Probably the most exhaustive reference on moringa and how it is grown in India.  Extensive information on varieties of Moringa oleifera developed in India.

USGPO (U.S. Government Printing Office).  2011.  FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. Public Law 11-353.  [accessed July 30, 2018]

Yuangsoi B, Masumoto T.  2012.    Replacing moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera)  partially by protein replacement in soybean meal of fancy carp (Cyprinus carpio).  Songklanakarin J Sci Technol 34 (5): 479-485.  [accessed 19 August 2018]