Leaves of Moringa oleifera


We value your business and want you to be fully informed about our products, services, policies and shipping requirements before making purchasing decisions.

We also try to meet and often exceed the many regulatory requirements applicable to control of plant pests and diseases, protection of endangered and threatened plants, and preventing the introduction of invasive species.  These regulations are complicated, change frequently and vary significantly among the states and various countries.

Our remote location also makes it difficult to conduct a mail order nursery business.  It consumes many hours to obtain basic supplies, do packaging and transport our products to distant stations for inspections and shipment.

To cope with all of this we had to develop these Terms of Sale and Sale.  We wish they could be simpler but that is not possible!



1.   No Onsite Sales.  We do not have on-site sales or order pick up areas.   Research activities are in progress at our facilities and we have to comply with pest and disease exclusion precautions, license conditions and other requirements that prevent us from routinely accepting visitors.   Please contact us in advance if you would like to visit.

2.   Intended Use of Products.  Plants, seeds and other products offered by Sustainable Bioresources, LLC though our online store are generally not intended for use as drugs, or consumption as human or animal food.

3.   FDA Disclaimer.  No statements on this website and none of our products are intended for use in diagnosing, treating, curing or preventing any diseases of humans, animals or plants.  None of these products or statements have been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

4.  Product Images.  Unless otherwise indicated, product images serve as examples only and usually vary from the delivered products.

5.   Product Hazards.  Some of the plants and seeds offered on this website are toxic or have sharp thorns that may cause injury. The toxicity and other potentially hazardous properties of many of them may not be known.  In purchasing, obtaining, receiving, using or disposing of our products it is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to comply with applicable regulations and take all measures necessary to protect health, safety, property and the environment.

6.   Order Acceptance.  We reserve the right to refuse any and all orders.

7.   Product Allocations and Availability.  Some of our nursery stock and seeds include endangered species, plants that are very rare in cultivation or available in very limited quantities.  If there are more orders for these items than can be met from available inventory we may give priority to filling orders from institutions using the plants for scientific research, education or conservation activities.  Products listed in our Store may be subject to prior sale.

8.   Warranty.  All nursery stock will be inspected, shipped live and in good condition. There is no warranty, expressed or implied on any of our products.  We want our customers to be completely satisfied with our products and service and will consider requests for adjustments on a case-by-case basis.  Please contact us at orders@sustainablebioresources.com.




1.   Insurance.  It is our policy to insure all shipments containing merchandise valued over $100.00.

2.  Shipping During Cold Seasons.  Most of the plants that we offer are native to tropical areas and sensitive to cold. It may not be advisable to order these plants during the winter months as low temperatures in transit from Hawai`i and/or at their arrival destinations may damage or kill the plants. These conditions are beyond our control and the customer assumes all risks for damage caused by these conditions.  We offer heat packs for inclusion in packages shipped during cold weather and these may help to maintain warmth for about 72 hours in shipment.  These should be purchased when the order is placed.

3.   Pesticide Pretreatment.  Some inspection authorities may require plants to be treated with pesticides prior to shipment.  If treatment is required we may indicate the pesticide used on a package insert or the shipping documents.  We use only pesticides compatible with organic certification where possible.

4.   Bare Root Shipment of Nursery Stock.  Most plants to be exported to the mainland of the United States and from our nursery in Hawai`i will be shipped bare root (with no soil) or in approved artificial growing media if allowed or required by regulations.   Plants to be exported to the neighbor islands of Hawaii are inspected and may be shipped in natural soil if approval is obtained from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA).

5.  Seed Counts and Packaging.  Most of our seeds have been previously dried and frozen to kill pests and retain viability in storage.  Seeds may be shipped with packets of silica gel to help prevent moisture damage.  Seed orders will be filled by weight unless a specific seed count is indicated in the product description.

6.  Shipment of Large Nursery Stock Items.   Customers considering purchases of our larger specimen plants are encouraged to contact us for special packaging and shipping arrangements, and estimated costs before shipment.  Tall specimen plants such our moringa tree seedlings and bulky items like hanging planters are difficult to pack, require special packaging and will not fit in flat rate Priority Mail boxes.  Because the USPS calculates mailing costs for non-flat rate boxes based on weight, dimensions and destination we cannot accurately calculate the shipping cost in advance, particularly for orders of multiple plants that may or may not be shipped in a single package.  Some of our largest plants may be too big or heavy for mailing and may have to be shipped as air cargo.  We will not know the actual costs of packaging and shipping until these large items are transported to the inspection station and cleared, the package(s) is sealed and delivered to the post office or other carriers.  At check out in our online store, estimated special packaging and shipping costs will be added to the order and must be prepaid by the customer.  If the actual costs of packaging and shipping are significantly less than the amount charged we may refund the excess charges to the customer via a PayPal transaction.  Customers will be billed via a PayPal money request for packaging and shipping costs that are significantly higher than the estimated amount charged at checkout.

7.  Shipping Delays for Inspections.  Our business is located in a remote area near the south point of the Big Island of Hawaii and about 65 miles from the nearest plant inspection facilities at Hilo and Kailua-Kona.  Round trip transportation, inspections, issuance of phytosanitary certificates, packaging and mailing of a plant shipment may consume several hours of time so it is often impractical for us to obtain inspections for individual shipments.  Shipments requiring inspections may be consolidated, held and scheduled for transportation, inspection and mailing in batches, typically every two weeks, or until there is a sufficient volume of items to justify trips to the inspection station.  Hazardous road conditions may also delay local travel.  We will notify customers if extended shipping delays are anticipated.

8.  Sustainable Packaging Materials.  Where possible we attempt to reuse packaging for our shipments, recycle incoming packaging, and use sustainable materials.  In some cases, particularly for international shipments, new packaging or specific materials are required to meet various quarantine regulations.  Some foreign countries now prohibit the use of plastic bags for imported materials.  In the U.S. some states are now banning or restricting the use of certain materials. In Hawai`i each county is establishing various restrictions on bags made from plastic film and there are increasing restrictions on polystyrene containers.  These regulations are rapidly evolving and we may not know about them.  If you are aware of specific requirements for your area please notify us when you place an order.



Plant and seed shipments from Hawai`i are subject to a complex array of regulations and inspection requirements.  Detailed information about these may be found in the next section.

Typical Shipment Method for Nursery Stock.  Priority Mail is our preferred and usually most economical shipping method for all domestic shipments of small nursery stock.    We ship our plants via U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Priority Mail unless other shipping arrangements are necessary or specifically requested by the customer and approved by us.  For nursery stock items,  our order entry system usually charges estimated packaging, handling and shipping costs on a per plant basis, and these costs may vary widely by the size, weight and shape of the plant so it is difficult to calculate the actual total shipping cost of an order.  On orders for multiple small plants that can be shipped in the same container the system may accumulate excessive costs in the shopping cart.  If these are significantly above our packaging and shipping costs the overcharged amount will be refunded to the customer via a PayPal refund transaction.

Seeds are usually shipped by USPS Ground Advantage to locations in the U.S. unless Priority Mail is requested by the customer.  All seeds shipments except those to customers on Hawai`i island, must be inspected by he Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) before shipment.  They can be shipped to all states, including California.  Seed shipments to destinations outside the U.S. are shipped by International Priority Mail.

Certified Nursery Plants (CNP).  These are nematode-free plants grown in the certified areas of our nursery in compliance with the HDOA certified nursery requirements.  These areas are inspected by the HDOA and they collect root specimens and samples of media for nematode testing.  Certified Nursery Plants can be shipped directly from our facility, avoiding the need to transport them for inspection at distant facilities.  We can ship these plants to all states except California.

Non-Certified Plants (NCP).  We cannot ship non-certified nursery stock to some states, currently Arizona, California, Louisiana, and Texas, because these states have established quarantines against the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis, and other pests that may be present in Hawai`i.  Non-certified plants can be shipped to all other states after inspection by the HDOA.

Commingling of Certified and Non-Certified Plants, and Seeds.  We may not be able to commingle certified and non-certified plants in the same shipping container for domestic shipments, and seeds may have to be inspected, packaged, and shipped separately from plants.  Additional packaging and shipping costs may be incurred if items in an order require separate shipping.

Prohibited Items.  Some species of plants cannot be shipped to the U.S. mainland.  Examples include all true cacti (in the plant family Cactaceae) such as dragon fruit seedlings or cuttings.  When available, these are offered for shipment to Hawai`i destinations only.

Hawai`i Island Customers.  We may deliver large orders for nursery stock directly to customers located on Hawaii Island.  Please CONTACT US to discuss arrangements.

Refer to the section below for more detailed information on plant quarantine and inspection requirements for domestic shipments.




It is our intent to fully comply with all regulations including those applicable to shipment of plants, control of pests and diseases, exclusion of invasive species and protection of threatened or endangered species. These regulations are complex, may be highly variable among jurisdictions and species, and subject to frequent change.  Our facility at Discovery Harbour, Hawai`i includes certified and non-certified nursery areas and plants grown in these areas may have different requirements in both domestic and international trade.

Inspection Agencies.  The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture’s (HDOA) Plant Quarantine Branch regulates the export of nursery products (propagative plants and seeds) between the islands of Hawai`i and to the U.S. mainland by inspecting the plants and confirming that the shipment meets the requirements of the destination state.  Plants, seeds and plant products exported for research and development purposes that do not involve propagation are inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).  The USDA also regulates the export of non-propagative plants such as cut flowers, foliage and fruits from Hawai`i to the U.S. mainland, and propagative plants and seeds to foreign countries.

Quarantines.  Federal and state domestic quarantine orders have been established to ensure that nursery stock from Hawai`i in interstate commerce is inspected and found free of pests including but not limited to Burrowing and Reniform Nematodes (BRN).  Control measures include requirements for inspections of shipments and certification of nematode-free nurseries by the HDOA.  States with quarantines requiring incoming shipments to be from HDOA certified nurseries include Arizona, California, Arizona, Louisiana and Texas.  Previously there were requirements for inspections and stamping of packages relating to control of the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM), Epiphyas postvittana.  These are no longer in place.

Agricultural Inspection of Certified Nursery Plants (CNP).  We inspect certified plants grown in the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Certified Nematode-Free area of our nursery prior to shipment.  Packages containing these certified plants will be stamped with the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Plant Quarantine Branch Nematode Certificate.

Certified nursery plants in our website store listings may be indicated by Model Codes beginning with the prefix letters “CNP-”.  Certified plants that can be shipped directly from our facility may also be listed on the HDOA’s certified nursery website listing for Sustainable Bioresources, LLC .  Except for shipments to Arizona, certified nursery stock may be shipped directly from our facility to both quarantine and non-quarantine states.

Agricultural Inspection of Non-Certified Plants (NCP) and Seeds.  Non-certified nursery plants in our website store listings may be indicated by Model Codes beginning with the prefix letters “NCP-”.  All non-certified plants and all seeds shipped off Hawai`i Island, including inter-island shipments within the State of Hawai`i must be inspected and cleared immediately before shipment by the HDOA Plant Quarantine Branch or the USDA as applicable.  Non-certified plants for propagation cannot be shipped to the quarantine states of Arizona, California, Louisiana and Texas.  All non-certified plants in shipments to destinations outside Hawai`i must be shipped bare root.

Seeds.  All seeds shipped to the other islands of Hawai`i and other states and territories of the U.S. must be inspected and cleared by the HDOA immediately before shipment.  Inspection stamps are applied to the envelope or shipping container.

Domestic Phytosanitary Certificates.  Some states may require Phytosanitary Certificates for incoming shipments of certain plants from Hawai`i.  The USDA may also require the Certificates for export shipments to some foreign countries.  If these are required we can obtain certificates for our domestic customers at no additional charge.

Plants and Seeds Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) – Several plant species endemic to Hawai`i that we offer for sale are regulated under the ESA.  Currently, we are not permitted to ship these to other states or internationally.



The information posted below is our understanding of additional specific state rules and regulations relating to shipments of seeds and plants from Hawai`i.  These are subject to change and may not be current.


We can only ship certified plants to Arizona and all shipments must now comply with additional requirements of the Brown Citrus Aphid Quarantine R3-4-242 on plants from Hawaii.  Certified plants for shipment to Arizona must be treated with a pesticide labeled to kill aphids and the treatment must be witnessed and certified by a HDOA inspector prior to shipment.  This will significantly increase our travel time and costs, and may result in delayed shipments.


We were shipping certified plants to California under the QC 650 Master Permit  issued by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).   Under this permit all plants shipped to California had to be potted in soil media; we could not ship bare rooted plants.  Shipping plants in pots prevents adequate inspection of the roots and soil media, complicates packaging, increases the risks of damage in shipment, and has increased packaging and shipping costs to prohibitive levels.   Compliance with the requirements of the permit also prevented us from using best practices for management and exclusion of pests and diseases in our nursery.

No Plant Shipments to California.  For the above reasons we did not renew our permit agreement for 2021 and 2022 and we no longer accept orders for plant shipments to California.  This exclusion does not apply to seed shipments.


It is our understanding that shipments of non-certified plants to Florida are permissible but since these plants are not certified as free of burrowing nematodes they cannot be moved to locations in Florida within 100 feet of restricted areas, which include commercial citrus groves, citrus nurseries, or other approved nurseries. We do not offer for sale any non-certified plants for movement to these restricted areas. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with requirements pertaining to movement of plants after they are received.

Nursery stock consisting of other species of plants from our certified nursery can be moved to restricted areas if accompanied with a special burrowing nematode inspection tag or stamp.  We apply this stamp to outer packages containing our certified plants before shipment.

All shipments to Florida may require inspection for phytophagous snails and slugs, and inclusion of an Inspection Certificate or Phytosanitary  Certificate stating that the shipment is “apparently free of plant feeding snails & slugs.”  These certificates are obtained without charge to the customer.


All shipments to Idaho may require inspection for phytophagous snails, and inclusion of an Inspection Certificate or Phytosanitary  Certificate stating that the shipment is “apparently free of plant feeding snails & slugs.”  These certificates are obtained without charge to the customer.


All shipments to Mississippi may require inspection for Apple snails (Family Ampullariidae) and inclusion of an Inspection Certificate or Phytosanitary  Certificate stating that the shipment is “apparently free of plant feeding snails & slugs.”  These certificates are obtained without charge to the customer.


Non-certified plants for propagation cannot be shipped to Louisiana.  Seeds may be shipped after inspection.

North Carolina

All shipments to North Carolina may require inspection for snails and inclusion of an Inspection Certificate or Phytosanitary  Certificate stating that the shipment is “apparently free of plant feeding snails & slugs.”  These certificates are obtained without charge to the customer.


Non-certified plants for propagation cannot be shipped to Louisiana.  Seeds may be shipped after inspection.

West Virginia

All shipments to West Virginia may require inspection for snails and inclusion of an Inspection Certificate or Phytosanitary  Certificate stating that the shipment is “apparently free of plant feeding snails & slugs.”  These certificates are obtained without charge to the customer.



Maryland Sales Tax.  Because we were originally chartered in Maryland, all shipments to Maryland destinations are subject to the state’s sales tax at the current rate of 6.0%.  This will be applied to orders when they are placed.

Hawai`i General Excise Tax (GET) – Retail Transactions.  Hawai`i does not have a sales tax but imposes a General Excise Tax (GET) on businesses (sellers) at every level of transactions on all goods and services.  Beginning on January 1, 2020 and until until December 31, 2030, the GET base rate paid by businesses (sellers) on sales to customers located in Hawai`i County (Hawai`i island) on retail sales is 4.0% plus a 0.5% surcharge on the seller’s gross receipts (sales price plus GET) .   For customers in Hawai`i County businesses are allowed to charge customers a maximum pass on rate of 4.7120% to recoup their GET on retail sales at the time of sale.  For customers located here or in the other tax districts of Hawai`i (Oahu, Maui and Kauai) it is our policy to recoup the current maximum pass on rate for that district.  These GET recoupment charges will be applied to orders for delivery to customers in Hawai`i when they are placed.

Hawai`i General Excise Tax (GET) – Wholesale Transactions.  The current GET rate on the gross receipts from wholesale transactions in all districts is 0.5%. We may collect this at the time of sale.  Wholesale customers may be required to provide documentation confirming that they hold a valid General Excise Tax License before we recoup GET at this lower wholesale rate.  If this is not provided before the time of sale we will recoup the GET at the retail rate.

Transactions Exempt from GET.  We will not recoup GET tax on transactions exempt from the GET if the buyer provides documentation acceptable to us confirming that the transaction(s) qualify for exemption under Hawaii’s General Excise Tax Law.  This documentation must be provided by the customer before the transaction is made.  The following are examples of sales that may be exempt from the Hawai`i GET:

1.   Purchases by any agency, instrumentality, or federal credit union of the United States but not including national banks.

2.   Purchases by a state-chartered credit union.  Sales to or from federal cost-plus contractors are not exempt.

3.   All of the gross proceeds from the performance of any scientific work and sale of tangible property under a contract or subcontract entered into with the United States (including any agency or instrumentality thereof but not including national banks).

4.   Contracting or services exported out-of-state.

Sales to government agencies of Hawai`i County and the State of Hawai`i, and non-profit organizations are NOT EXEMPT from the GET.

The above information is subject to frequent change and may not be accurate.  Please refer to the official State of Hawai`i WEBSITE for the most current official information on GET rates and regulations.



It is our intent to make as many of our products available to customers located outside the United States as possible.  However, shipments to international destinations are often highly problematic.  Shipping and delivery services may be unavailable or unreliable, and costly.   We will attempt to inform buyers of the shipping requirements for international shipments that we are aware of but regulations and their interpretations by local authorities are often obscure, and may be may be subject to frequent and unannounced changes.  Importing countries often require import permits,  and export clearance documents such as Phytosanitary Certificates issued by U.S. agencies.  The costs associated with export shipments of most plants and seeds may significantly exceed their value.

Buyer Responsibilities.  Because international shipping is largely beyond our control the customer assumes all responsibility for compliance with import requirements and loss, theft, seizure, confiscation or damage of shipments.  It is incumbent on the buyer to obtain any required import permits and comply with all requirements of the importing country.  Buyers should be aware that some countries may prohibit importation of all live plant materials.

Please Contact Us Before Placing International Orders.   We may not be able to ship plants and seeds to certain countries and it is very difficult to estimate the costs of preparing Phytosanitary Certificates, other export documents, packaging and shipping, particularly for large specimen plants that may require crating and special handling services.  Customers interested in purchasing seeds or plants for delivery to locations outside the United States should CONTACT US before placing orders through our online store.  Please provide the names and quantities of the items you wish to order and the destination address.  We will then check on the requirements, shipping costs and provide an estimate of the total costs before you place the order.

International Shipments of Live Plants Suspended.   Preparing and shipping international shipments of live plants has become increasingly problematic, labor intensive and prohibitively expensive.  Some shipments have been subject to prolonged and unexpected delays or lost.  Tracking of packages to many international destinations is not available.  In 2022 the European Union (EU) passed a complicated array of new regulations that are very difficult to comply with and the U.S. Postal Service unexpectedly prohibited shipments to countries in the EU.  Alternative shipping modes may cost several times the fees charged by the postal service.  These circumstances led us to suspend accepting international orders for live plants, except for Hoodia species and Hoodiopsis.  If you wish to place order for other live plants please CONTACT US first and we will consider each request on a case by case basis.  We may review these policies if the international situation changes.



We regret that it has become necessary to curtail some shipments to international destinations and significantly increase charges for the orders we accept. Processing shipments of seeds and plants for export, preparing related documents and multiple trips to distant inspection stations can often consume full days of work. Our costs of processing, packaging, inspection and shipping of international orders from Hawai`i are very high, increasing and now often far exceed the total value of the items ordered.  To address this situation we have established increased minimum order amounts and service charges for international orders.  Effective April 15, 2024 these are as listed below:

Live Plants (Except CITES Regulated Species):

We have suspended international shipments of these plants.

Live Plants and Seeds [CITES Regulated Species (Hoodia and Euphorbia)]:

$100.00 Minimum Order

$200.00 Service Charge for Obtaining Phytosanitary Certificates (Includes USDA Fees)

$50.00 Service Charge for Obtaining U.S. Fish and Wildlife Export Documents (Includes USFWS fee)

Seeds Not Requiring Inspections and Phytosanitary Certificates:

$30.00 Minimum Order

Seeds Requiring Inspections, Import Permits, or Phytosanitary Certificates:

$50.00 Minimum Order

$200.00 Service Charge for Obtaining Phytosanitary Certificates (Includes USDA Fees)

These charges do not include shipping and handling costs, which will be additional.



Inspections  – International shipments requiring issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates or other export clearances will be inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) stations in Hilo or Kailua-Kona.  They issue the certificates for these shipments.  The USDA may require issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates by Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) to confirm nematode-free status or that the plants were grown in certified areas of our nursery before issuance of the federal certificates.  There is no fee fee for the HDOA certificates.  Applications for certificates and arrangements for all inspections must be made by us.

Export Permit for Protected Plants – We have the export permit required for shipments of Protected Plants issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). A copy of the permit will be included with the shipping documents for orders including protected plants.  There is no charge for this permit.

CITES Regulated Plants and Seeds.  The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is a multilateral treaty intended to protect endangered wild plants and animals from over-exploitation by subjecting selected species to controls on their international trade. Species regulated in trade by CITES are listed in Appendices to the Convention. 

Hoodia and Hoodiopsis Species – We have obtained a Master File from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authorizing the issuance of permits for exports of these species, which are listed on CITES Appendix II.  Each shipment will require issuance of a separate permit at a cost of $10.00, in addition to the fees for phytosanitary certificates.  We have to order the permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Virginia before the shipment can be made and it may take about three months to obtain them.  The inspection and clearance processes for these shipments are complex, logistically complicated on Hawai`i island and involve three different government agencies at multiple locations.  Customers should be aware that the time for obtaining the necessary permits and completing these processes may significantly delay shipments.

Other CITES Appendix II Species – Some other plants that we have are listed on CITES Appendix II including the succulent species of Euphorbia such as Euphorbia resinifera that are endemic to Africa.   We have not applied for authority to export these and they are offered for domestic sale only.

CITES Appendix I Species – Some other plants in our inventory are listed on CITES Appendix I such as Aloe delphinensis and Pachypodium ambongense.   Exports of Appendix I species for commercial purposes are generally prohibited.

Customs Compliance.  All of our products will be accurately described and priced on shipping documents as required by regulations.  Do not request use of discounted prices or alternative terms such as spices, buttons etc.



Most of our plants and seeds can be exported but they are subject to an array of country-specific import requirements that change frequently.   Some information on import requirements of U.S.-origin commodities shipped to foreign countries may be found on the USDA Phytosanitary Export Database (PExD) System.  This information may be incomplete or outdated.

Purchaser Responsibility – It is the responsibility of the purchaser to comply with all requirements of the importing country.  These requirements often include, but may not be limited to obtaining import permits and phytosanitary certificates.

Import Permits – Any import permits, clearances or special shipping labels required by the receiving country must be obtained by the customer and provided to us before shipment.  Some countries may require us to include original copies of the permit.  Notarized translations of permits issued in languages other than English must be provided to us with the permit.

Phytosanitary Certificates – Phytosanitary Certificates issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are now required by most countries, regardless of the amount of the plants or seeds in the order.  If required they must accompany the export shipments.  Multiple plants, seeds and containers in a single shipment can be usually be listed on one certificate.  The USDA  charges the user (shipper) fees in advance for the required inspections and issuance of the certificates.  The current fees are as follows:

Commercial shipments (value of $1,250 or more – $104.00.
Non-Commercial shipments (value of less than $1,250) – $61.00

We will collect these fees from the purchaser when the order is placed.  We cannot provide assurance that a phytosanitary certificate will be issued; this will be determined by the specific requirements of the issuing agency, the receiving country and the inspection results. Issuance of certificates for non-certified nursery stock originating from Hawai`i may be particularly problematic.  If a certificate cannot be issued for all items in an order and they cannot be shipped we will refund the cost of the affected item(s) to the customer. If the certificate cannot be issued because the items did not pass inspection the order will be canceled and the full amount of the order including the certificate fee will be refunded to the customer.

Fumigation – Some countries may require fumigation of plants prior to entry.  We cannot provide fumigation services as they are not available to us on Hawai’i Island.

Pesticide Treatments – Countries in the EU and other areas may require pesticide applications to certain plants before shipment.  The pesticides used must be specifically approved by the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture and their application to the plants may have to be witnessed at our facility by an inspector from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Arranging for and providing these services is time consuming, requires extra travel and costly.  If such treatments are required and we can provide them we may include a charge for these services.  Payment for the estimated service costs must be made at the time the order is placed.

Customs Duties, Tariffs Etc. – Payment of customs duties, tariffs, inspection fees or other charges due upon entry into the receiving country is the responsibility of the customer.  We cannot accurately determine these costs in advance.



Global Priority Mail is our preferred shipping method for international shipments.  Other shipping arrangements may be necessary or specifically requested by the customer.  FedEx, UPS, and air cargo services are available here.



We offer plants, seeds and sometimes cuttings of our new Hoodia cultivars for sale.  These Hawaiian Hoodia™ products are offered only for the personal use of the buyer.  The transfer of these products from the buyer to other parties, and all commercial propagation or other commercial uses of these products is strictly prohibited.  These restrictions on transfer and commercial use are a condition of sale.  Placement of an order confirms the buyer’s agreement to comply with our Hawaiian Hoodia™ License Agreement.

Inquiries about potential arrangements for commercial licensing and/or distributorships of our Hawaiian Hoodia™ products are welcome.  Please CONTACT US for additional information.



PayPal.  All purchases must be paid in advance through the PayPal feature of the website store, which also allows use of all major credit cards.  PayPal membership is not required to use this preferred payment option.

Alternate Payment Methods.  Arrangements for acceptance of purchase orders, and alternate forms payment such as checks or money orders must be made in advance.  We may hold checks for clearance before shipments are made.


Thank you for visiting our website and shopping with us!

Sunset Kaunaʻoa (Mauna Kea) Beach

Sunset at Kaunaʻoa (Mauna Kea) Beach, Hawaii Island


This page was last updated on April 15, 2024.