Hoodia macrantha

This name was widely used for Hoodia currorii and is now synonymous with Hoodia currorii subspecies currorii.  We obtained plants for our research identified by suppliers as Hoodia macrantha, H. currorii and H. currorii subsp. currorii in the early years of our research.  Because this nomenclature is confused and the accuracy of identification by suppliers was uncertain we retained the names assigned by them to the plants that we worked with.

In the years after we acquired the original plants identified as H. currorii and H. currorii currorii all were lost to diseases before seeds were produced.  A small percentage of the plants initially identified as H. macrantha by suppliers survived and we have produced some new cultivars from them.  We have continued to identify these as H. macrantha (genotype code prefix HM) in our data bases and online store.  If the parent plants of these lineages were correctly identified, their progeny would now be referred to as H. currorii subsp. currrorii.

Refer to our webpage on Hoodia currori for information on this taxon.