Pachypodium baronii

Pachypodium baronii

Pachypodium baronii

Pachypodium baronii Fowering

Pachypodium baronii Fowering

Pachypodium baronii flower Close Up

Pachypodium baronii flower Close Up

Family Apocynaceae
Binomial Name Pchypodium baronii
Common Name(s) Bontaka
Plant Information

Rare in the wild and restricted to two populations in the Winsor Castle Peak, in northern Madagascar.  This is only species in the genus that gets red flowers and is one of the most sought after Pachypodium species.  This cultivar does not form a caudex.

Warning:  all parts of plants in the genus Pachypodium should be considered poisonous.  Wounds caused by thorns may be painful and slow to heal.

CITES Status Listed Appendix I