Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum

Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum Flowers

Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum Flowers

Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum

Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum

Family Apocynacae
Binomial Name Pachypodium densiflorum densiflorum
Common Name(s)
Plant Information

This plant is native to southern, central and northern Madagascar.   It has bright yellow flowers on long stems in late spring through the summer months. Excellent for bonsai display.

Warning:  all parts of plants in the genus Pachypodium should be considered poisonous.  The thorns of this species are sharp and wounds from them may be painful and slow to heal.

CITES Status Listed in Appendix II.