Pachypodium nomaquanum

Pachypodium nomaquanum

Pachypodium nomaquanum

Family Apocynaceae
Binomial Name Pachypodium nomaquanum
Common Name(s) Club Foot, Elephant’s Truck, Hafman
Catagories Specimen Plants
Plant Information  Endemic to the extremely dry deserts of Garlep (Orange River Region) of the Northern Cape and southern Namibia.   Plants are extremely slow growing and often lose all leaves during prolonged periods of dormancy.   Tolerant of extreme heat and windy conditions. Sap from this species was used as an arrow poison. Warning:  all parts of plants in the genus Pachypodium should be considered poisonous.  The thorns of this species are particularly sharp and wounds from them may be painful and slow to heal.
CITES Status Listed in Appendix II.