Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Trunk

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Trunk

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Flowers

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Flowers

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Flower Buds

Pachypodium rutenbergianum meriondale Flower Buds

Family Apocynacae
Binomial Name Pachypodium rutenbergianum var. meriondale
Common Name(s) Boadaka, Bontaka, Vontaka
Plant Information A tree endemic to southern Madagascar.  The tallest of all Pachypodiums from Madagascar – can grow 10-15 meters (30-45 feet) in height.  Not in wide cultivation.  Flowers have a perfume-like fragrance. Fiber from this species was reportedly used for rope making in Africa. Warning:  all parts of plants in the genus Pachypodium should be considered poisonous.  Wounds caused by thorns may be painful and slow to heal.
CITES Status Listed in Appendix II.