Euphorbia platyclada 

Euphorbia playclada Specimen Plant

Euphorbia playclada Specimen Plant
Frederick, Maryland
Photo © Edward Rau, Sustainable Bioresources, LLC
Use licensed per CC BY-SA

Euphorbia platyclada, Potted

Euphorbia platycada, Flower


Family Euphorbiaceae
Binomial Name Euphorbia platyclada Rauh
Common Name(s) Dead plant, dead wood plant, dead stick plant
Plant Information Unusual plant resembling dead twigs. Native to the dry forest areas of Madagascar. Gets small flowers as shown in the photograph under high magnification.

Warning: all parts of this plant are toxic. Its milky sap can be very irritating and corrosive to skin and eyes. Repeated contact may increase sensitivity.

Invasiveness Potential This plant maybe a high risk invasive in favorable climates. It grows quickly and reproduces readily from broken branches. Viable seeds are produced throughout the year from a single plant.

We discontinued growing it several years ago.

CITES Status All succulent African euphorbias are protected. Listed in Appendix II.