A small family of tropical woody trees consisting of only the genus Moringa.



Moringa stenopetala In cultivation at Discovery Harbour, Hawaii

Moringa stenopetala
In Cultivation at Discovery Harbour, Hawaii
Photo © Edward Rau, Sustainable Bioresources, LLC
Licensed use: CC BY-SA











Species of Moringa:

(Species information pages are under construction).


Moringa arborea

Moringa borziana

Moringa concanensis (Nimmo, Konkan moringa)

Moringa drouhardii (Bottle tree)

Moringa hildebrandtii (Hildebrandt’s moringa)

Moringa longituba

Moringa oleifera (Horseradish tree, Drumstick tree, Indian Moringa)

Moringa ovalifolia (Phantom tree)

Moringa peregrina (Ben oil tree, Arabian Moringa)

Moringa pygmaea

Moringa reave

Moringa ruspoliana

Moringa stenopetala (Cabbage tree, Mother’s helper)