Nursery Plants for Sale

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About our Nursery

We are primarily a research and development (R&D) company and have only limited sales of plants (nursery stock).  These plants are mostly related to our research projects so some of those in our inventory tend to be exotic and many are not available from other suppliers.  Our offerings of Hoodia cultivars and Moringa species may be of the largest selection available anywhere.

Certified Versus Non-Certified Plants

Our small nursery consists of growing areas for Certified Nursery Plants (CNP) and Non-certified Plants (NCP).

Our certified nursery stock is produced under rigorous growing conditions necessary to ensure that it is free of nematodes and other plant pests and diseases.  These areas are inspected by the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) and they collect samples of roots and growing media for nematodes and conduct monitoring for fire ants and other pests of concern.  We can inspect and ship our Certified Nursery Plants to all neighbor islands and states except California and they can be shipped in our growing artificial media.

Non-certified plants cannot be shipped to the states of Arizona, California, Louisiana or Texas.  Texas may accept non-certified plants if they are tested for nematodes prior to shipment.  All non-certified plants shipped to the U.S. Mainland must be shipped bare root.

Plants Available for Sale

The nursery stock that we have available for sale is listed in our ONLINE STORE.  The plants are listed by plant family or you can search for specific plants by their scientific or common names.

This page was last updated on September 3, 2022.