
Drimia intricata (Schizobasis intricata)

These slow growing, interesting and dimunitive African plants are popular with collectors and we had difficulties maintaining an adequate supply.  These are now available as certified nursery stock and can be shipped to all states except California.

The above ground bulbs split into two as they get larger, and as this process repeats large clumps are formed. The mature plants drop many small black seeds and these will often germinate on the surface of the soil forming new plants.

Drimia intracata was previiously known as Schizobasis intricata and placed in the plant family Hyacinthaceae.  This and related species are sometimes referred to as "climbing onions" because of their shape and growth habit.  However, they are not closely related to onions, are not edible and may be toxic.


Drimia intricata, one bulb in a 3 inch clay pot, certified plant

This order is for one mature bulb growing in a three inch diameter clay pot.  They are difficult to ship and for local sale only.

Drimia intricata, one bulb in a 4 inch clay pot, certified plant

This order is for one mature bulb growing in a four inch diameter clay pot.  They are difficult to ship and for local sale only.

Drimia intricata, three single bulbs, certified plants

This order is for three bulbs, certified nursery stock.  They will be shipped bare root.

Drimia intricata, six single bulbs, certified plants

This offer is for six single bulbs, certified nursery stock. They will be shipped bare root.
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