- Annonaceae (Custard Apples)->
- Apocynaceae - Live Plants->
- Asparagaceae - Live Plants and Seeds->
- Asphodelaceae - Live Plants->
- Books and Publications (1)
- Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)-> (9)
- Cactaceae (Cactus Family) - Live Plants->
- Caralluma foetida (2)
- Combretaceae->
- Crassulaceae - Live Plants-> (3)
- Cynanchum perrieri (5)
- Dracaena konaense (Hala Pepe)->
- Drimia intricata (Schizobasis intricata) (4)
- Echidnopsis spp. (2)
- Euphorbiaceae - Live Plants-> (4)
- Fabaceae (Pea Family) - Seeds and Plants-> (9)
- Graminae (Corn and Grass Family)->
- Heat Packs (1)
- Hesperaloe parviflora (Red Yucca) - Plants and Seeds-> (1)
- Hoodia gordonii (HG), Seeds From Diploid Lines-> (4)
- Hoodia gordonii (HG), Seedlings From Diploid Lines (1)
- Hoodia gordonii (HG), Seeds From Tetraploid Lines-> (12)
- Hoodia gordonii (HG), Seedlings From Tetraploid Lines (1)
- Hoodia juttae (HJ) Seeds-> (6)
- Hoodia juttae (HJ) Seedlings (1)
- Hoodia macrantha (HM) Seeds-> (13)
- Hoodia macrantha (HM) Seedlings (1)
- Hoodia parviflora (HPAR) Seeds-> (5)
- Hoodia parviflora (HPAR) Seedlings (1)
- Hoodia ruschii (HR) Seeds-> (6)
- Hoodia ruschii (HR) Seedlings
- Hoodiopsis triebneri (HPS) Plants (1)
- Ledebouria socialis (Silver Squill) (1)
- Moringa arborea (MA) Seeds-> (1)
- Malvaceae (Hibiscus etc.) - Live Plants and Seeds-> (1)
- Moringa borziana (MB) Seeds (1)
- Moringa concanensis (MC) - Konkan Moringa Seeds (2)
- Moringa concanensis (MC) - Konkan Moringa Trees (1)
- Moringa drouhardii (MD) Seeds-> (2)
- Moringa drouhardii (MD) Trees
- Moringa hildebrandtii (MH) - Bottle Tree Seeds-> (1)
- Moringa hildebrandtii (MH) - Bottle Tree Plants (1)
- Moringa longituba (ML) Seeds-> (1)
- Moringa oliefera (MO) - Indian Moringa Seeds-> (214)
- Moringa ovalifolia (MOV) - Phantom Tree Seedlings
- Moringa ovalifolia (MOV) - Phantom Tree Seeds (1)
- Moringa peregrina (MP) - Arabian Moringa Seeds-> (8)
- Moringa peregrina (MP) - Arabian Moringa Trees (1)
- Moringa rivae (MR) Seeds (1)
- Moringa Research Materials->
- Moringa stenopetala (MS) - African Moringa Seeds-> (8)
- Haiti, Carries Area-> (1)
- Hawaii, Oahu: Lot# MS-USHI(E)-01 (1)
- Hawai`i, Moloka`i, Kaunakakai Area-> (6)
- Moringa stenopetala (MS) - African Moringa Trees
- Moringa Plants - Seedlings and Trees
- Myrtaceae - Live Plants
- Nitrogen Fixing Corn Seeds (Zea mays)-> (39)
- Pachypodium ambongense (Songosongo)-> (7)
- Phytosanitary Certificate Fees (USDA) (2)
- Piperaceae (Pepper Family)->
- Pittosporacae-Seeds-> (1)
- Psilotaceae (Naked Ferns)-> (2)
- Rutaceae (Citrus Family)-> (1)
- Selenicereus costariensis (Red Dragon Fruit)
- Selenicereus megalantus (Yellow Dragon Fruit) (2)
- Selenicereus undatus (White Dragon Fruit) Plants and Fruit (4)
- Stapelia gigantea (Toad Plant or Zulu Giant) (1)
- Zingiberaceae (Ginger Familiy) - Live Plants-> (4)
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Moringa stenopetala (MS) - African Moringa Seeds
Our seed bank offers the largest known selection of seeds from this species, which are now scarce in commerce. Most of our recent seed accessions are from trees grown by one of our volunteer farmers on Moloka`i island in Hawai`i. We have other trees on our facility and several farms on Hawaii island but most of these have not bloomed and produced viable seeds.
The seeds from Moloka`i island are unhulled and from the most recent harvests. They have very high viability.
Our sources for seeds in Ethiopia, Haiti and Florida are no longer available. Small amounts of hulled seeds from these locations may remain in stock.
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