
Nitrogen Fixing Corn: Hilo Hawaii, 2024 Harvests

These seeds were grown in open pollination and harvested in July and August 2024 from plants grown at a research partner’s farm in Hilo, Hawai`i.  They are non-GMO, were grown without the use of pesticides, and only animal manures were used as fertilizers. The seed bearing plants were grown from last year's (2023) small crop of seeds that were also grown in open pollination at this same farm site.  This is the second or F2 generation of seeds from seeds of landraces originating from southern Mexico.

Each of the listed seeds lots has been obtained from multiples ears of corn with similar lengths and coloration.

All seeds in these lots were individually examined.  No weed seeds were found.

Seeds from this harvest are in processing and should be available for sale by September 2024. Processing largely consists of cleaning, sorting and drying. After drying is completed the seeds are frozen to control insect pests and maintain viability in storage.  No chemical seed treatments are used.

A smaller, second harvest of seeds may be available later in 2024.


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